Family Law Case Services
Service Philosophy

We provide comprehensive legal advice and social welfare resource integration services with dedication and without discrimination based on gender, class, ethnicity, or nationality.
We aim to empower individuals involved in family law cases to achieve equality in power and information throughout the legal proceedings and to receive immediate and comprehensive support and assistance.
Who We Serve

Primarily, individuals involved in divorce-related family law issues within the jurisdiction of various courts. We also offer necessary assistance to residents of other cities or counties if they are parties within the jurisdiction of their local court.
Additionally, we provide free consultations and resource referrals to the public, including individuals involved in general family law cases, their underage children, and family members.
Service Philosophy

Convenience: We offer services directly within the courthouse, allowing the public to access immediate assistance conveniently.
Personalization: We provide individualized services based on the needs of individuals involved in family law cases.
Integrated Services: We offer comprehensive legal advice and court accompaniment, along with connections to social welfare services and resources.
Advocacy: We advocate for the rights of individuals involved in family law cases and promote “gender equality” and a friendly judicial environment.
What We Do
Mediation/Pre-Hearing Preparation and Accompaniment in Mediation/Court Hearings
Providing preparations for parties involved in family law cases and their underage children before mediation/court hearings, accompanying them during mediation/court hearings, and offering emotional and psychological support and companionship.
Emotional Care, Support, and Companionship
Providing emotional care to individuals involved in family law cases through counseling sessions.
On-site Legal Consultation by Lawyers
Offering legal advice to parties involved in family law cases, increasing their understanding of their case rights, and reducing anxiety and feelings of helplessness.
On-site Psychological Counseling
Providing solution-based short-term psychological counseling services to help individuals involved in family law cases find emotional relief and manage stress.
High-Conflict Family Services
Offering parenting classes and guidance based on principles of friendly co-parenting to families.
Assessment of Social Resource Needs and Referrals
Social welfare resource needs assessment and link referrals. Provide social welfare, new resident consultation, financial assistance, and related welfare information.